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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
11:19 PM Morning I went to collect my hard lens with mum. Finally, dun have to walk around with ugly spec anymore. But I feel a bit uncomfortable with the hard lens. :'( Nothing seems to suit me. Tried both hard and soft lens b4. Previous 2 yrs experience of wearing soft lens, they don't seem to 'stick' properly to my eyes. -_- Now, hard lens are a bit uncomfortable. Think I need some time to get used to hard lens again(have been 2 yrs since I last wore hard lens). I seriously consider going for lasik! haha~ OMG! Start thinking of ways to spend my Night met pooiyin, shushing n shuling at Orchard to see the Xmas decoration. But this yr doesn't seem to have any impressive ones to talk about. No BIG christmas tree. Size shrink. But we still manage to take some photos with our funny poses. hehe~
Sisters look alike? hehe~
. . Love Christmas... Wanna write to my Santa again. hehe~ |
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