Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wine Appreciation 12:38 AM

Went for Wine Appreciation class organised by my company. We paid a sum of money, part of it will go to CornerStone, the rest will go to President's Charity.

It's also the first time I visit the big MacPherson building! Started thinking about how nice it will be if our office is to be situated there. But on the 2nd thought, it will be even further for me to get there than my current office. hmm...

When we reached, the tables are already nicely arranged. We were given 5 wines to taste. 2 white, 2 red and 1 ice wine and some food. First time trying ice wine. hehe~

Before going there, I drank wines on wedding dinner (where I can drink for free... hehe~) and occasionally from some nice restaurant that I went. I will twist my tongue abit then half-swallow the wine down my throat. I love alcoholic drinks actually... Like the warm sensation but some are too bitter that I have to swallow them.

Learnt a lot about wine ytd. Like....

1) How the ladies (I was already holding it the correct way before class. Hehe~) and man should hold their glasses. I thought it's the same for both gender before the class... hehe~ Anyway, I still feel it's awkward for the guys to hold the way we were taught.

2) How wine is made.

3) Different type of grape used (those grow steeper up the slope are better grape etc.)

4) White wine can be made from red grapes.

5) What's ice wine...

6) Ice wine goes with dessert, red with red meat, white with white meat and seafood.

6) Most importantly... the steps to taste wine. hehe~

We were actually taught to "rinse" our mouth with wine before swallowing them in order to taste it properly. So all the wines I drank in the past had gone to waste since I was half-swallowing them down my throat without tasting them properly. Haha~

Given a pair of white and red wine each which allow us to compare which we prefer. White is more bland compared to red. Ice wine is too sweet for me. I dun fancy it tt much. In the past I usually order red wine, think in the future I shall order more white wine. :)

Some photos to share:

Waiting for our wine to be served. Paper below helped us know which wine is which.

The names of the wines I drank! Took photos of the paper so I know wat wine to buy in the future. hehe~ I prefer Chadonnay white and Cabernet red. :) At a point of time, the speaker ( young MD of CornerStone!) asked whether we wanna refill our wine and we unashamedly asked for refill.. haha~

The food that go with the wine. hehe~ Nice! After the wine tasting, there are more dessert and nice chicken n spring roll served. I love the chicken... hehe~

Think I'm in love with wine now... hehe~

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